From Lyn Tout
15th December 2020
It has been an exciting time around the Club in recent weeks. Lots of activity – the Club reopened, , training recommencing, the AGM completed and in the last couple of weeks it has been great to see members enjoying an after training chat and drink. It has been exciting to welcome some new members and we look forward to them being part of our playing group in 2021.
After not being able to play this season it was great to see a good number of people enjoying training and the socializing. The buzz in the Clubrooms last Thursday was something that has been greatly missed during 2020. Looking forward to lots more of this in 2021.
The Board – Lyn Tout – Chair, Heinz Freisler – Director of Communications, Kelly Breen – Director of Finance, Jayden Street – Director of Operations and Holly Stewart – Direct of Youth and Recruitment were re-elected unopposed at the recent AGM and are working to ensure continued success for the Club. Congratulations to all. All reports and minutes from the AGM are on our website for those interested.
Over the coming weeks we will ensure that all committee positions are filled and announce these early next year. The Committee consists of:
men’s and women’s coordinators;
social coordinator;
sponsorship and grants coordinator;
social media coordinator;
inclusion coordinator and
maintenance coordinator.
If you are interested in filling any of the positions or assisting the coordinator please contact Jayden.
The Board’s work in ensuring the Club remained viable during the COVID lockdown and was able to restart in a safe and informed way was recognized recently by local member Joanne Ryan who awarded the Board a “Lalor Heroes” Award. This was presented virtually and Joanne will attend in person next season to do a hand over of the award. Thank you to all Board members for the work done in being recognized.
Women’s training has finished for 2020 and the men finish with an Youngies vs Oldies game on Thursday night – 17th December, 6:30pm. Come on down and support them.
Juniors wind up next week with a Christmas Fun night. Enjoy. It has been great seeing everyone back on the pitch!
We are now allowed spectators at the ground and up to 40 people in the Club rooms and 100 people outside. Everyone who attends the Club is required to sign in – we are using a QR code - so bring your phone and check in – if you don’t have your phone -one of the Board members will check you in. You must bring a mask to wear if not able to social distance. Changerooms and showers are not yet open.
Training will recommence mid January and we will be entering a men and women’s team in the summer comp commencing end of January. Stay tuned for more info.
In closing I would like to thank the Board, Committee and community of Werribee Hockey Club for their continued work and support for our club. 2020 certainly presented us with some new challenges – all of which we have handled and moved on. We are a great club and it is an honor to be part of it. I look forward to working with you all in 2021 to continue to grow both on and off the field.
On behalf of the Board I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy and safe Festive Season and 2021.
Lyn Tout
Chair of the Board